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Celebrating myself in numerous ways
Just 9 days ago I did not even have a blog,now I do. (patting myself on the back) I did however have a website with information that had not been updated for a while and was not shining bright or creating anything at all. So I have created a blog,...
The Pathway
I have started this year with a commitment in Christine Hasslers Secret Sauce Group, uncovering, celebrating, owning, honoring and stepping forward with passionate action, living and sharing my inner gifts. Gulp scary stuff. We have accountability...
One / The One / Only One
A week has flown by and I arrive here at Day 7 - 15 Days to Freedom Blog Challenge. Natalie Sisson speaks passionately about singular focus and the results that can come from this. She asks, "How thin can I spread myself"? Thin, very thin,...
Loving Life, Business Model Alignment
Day 6 of 15 Days to Freedom Blog Challenge. It's all about Business models. We are reminded not to create just a JOB. But to create a business that supports our lifestyle. As a Mum and wife this is important to me. There are two main models, active...
Stealing a kiss to redirect a habit
Natalie Sisson is guiding us with clarity through the 15 Days to Freedom Blog Challenge. Day 5 is about habits and surrounding ourselves with inspiring people. I have heard the formula about the 66 days to form a new habit once or twice before....
Listen to the Voice of Direction
Day 4, What will I stop getting distracted by?? This is a great flow on from my blog yesterday when I was overwhelmed by the technology and sought my refuge in a tidying job to bring "zen" back into my mind. There is of course a difference in...
How to be Productive without Technology overload
I find myself here on Day 3 of the15 Days To Freedom Blog Challenge, we have been asked to share the tools we use to enhance our productivity. Hhhmmm! I looked into the ones that were mentioned, and readily skip across many webpages having a little...
MIA Reframe
MIA is a military term used when a personnel is missing in action, usually a casualty classification, for personnel who have been killed, wounded, are a prisoner of war or have deserted. No longer can we be Missing in Action in our own lives I am a...
Waking Up to Myself
Too many years have gone by when I prioritised everyone else way above myself, living by the unwritten ‘Mothers Code’ – they need you 24/7, and putting myself last on the very long list of things to do and people to please. Ugh! Each day wake up to...