Joyous Exercise

I am joining these two words together, because I value things that bring JOY.

I have many friends that just love and I mean the capital L type of love, EXERCISE. It releases a joy response within them.

Normally I would not put exercise in a category that lights me up. And that is probably where the problem lies. I have always been healthy, active and had a body that I was comfortable in. After my last child 11 years ago and me being 41 years of age at the time of her birth, I gained weight that has not moved since, if anything it has bunkered down for the long haul.

Now at age 52 I feel enlivened from a place of self acceptance. I have taught Yoga for over 2 decades, so I am well grounded in bringing peace, attention and acceptance to most areas of my life. And up until now I have not bought that to exercise.

At my age, I honor the knowledge that I have gifts to share with the world that only I am able to do so, from my unique perspective, I feel as if I have LIGHTEN UP.  I am connected to my joy response, so I can now bring this to my exercise practise.

I now desire my outer appearence to be in harmony with this inner awareness.

I am Lightening Up, and I commit to doing that through Joyous Exercise.

It is the way forward.

Come to the Edge

Yes I want to outsource. Identifying what, how and who is the question.

So I am stepping in and up to the next challenge in my life, and mainly I am in formulation mode. But all this is valuable information, and many mistakes have been made along the way and now this information is readily available to me, yahoo!

I am going to begin by reading The Beginner’s Guide To Outsourcing and Building a Global Team on a Budget by Natalie Sisson.

Firstly my website needs to look like I am in the game and ready to play big and win.

I commit to seeking out a website person, to help get it looking great, allowing places where I can put in content, gather peoples details etc.

I am going to it

Celebrating myself in numerous ways

Just 9 days ago I did not even have a blog,now I do. (patting myself on the back) I did however have a website with information that had not been updated for a while and was not shining bright or creating anything at all. So I have created a blog, using WordPress, it is basic and has no pictures on it. (how the hell do I add them?) In the process of doing this I changed my host company. I also live in a different company from where I lived when I set up my website many years ago. And well, I lost all my information. Challenge One. I lack technological now-how that’s for sure. I bumble my way along, but celebrate myself that I have kept up with the writing side. And my personal writing also. I have briefly looked at a few other participant posts, but would love to read many more. In todays session, I plan to create a list of all things to check out, both from Natalie and others. This is a fabulous resource, of those that have gone before me, and paved the way. I salute ye all, and humbly thank you. I will implement lastpass. I recently signed up with Square a payment/credit card system which I used for markets with the  creative goods I make, I assume I can link to my website somehow, when I get it back up and running. So I will look in to that also. Then Google Drive and Google Calendar, will be  possibilities. But more so, a team, to do those things I would rather not spend my time on. Bring on Day 10, because Natalie said that’s whats coming next.

The Pathway

I have started this year with a commitment in Christine Hasslers Secret Sauce Group, uncovering, celebrating, owning, honoring and stepping forward with passionate action, living and sharing my inner gifts. Gulp scary stuff.

We have accountability partners and accountability dates to keep us focused.

What I am seeing the most of at the moment, is the celebration of each other and the willingness to embrace our gifts. It is all flowing along quite easily. Having Cheerleaders on the sidelines of your own life, is a blessing indeed. It really helps.

My first commitment is to this 6 month course, being in action, using regular self-care and recommitting if I have breakdowns. January – June

My second commitment that is in my calendar is holidaying for one month back home in Australia, to visit family, friends and even do some sight seeing –  July

My third commitment is being a parent who celebrates her child and the activities she is involved in and who offers support by volunteering when school events need extra support. Pentathlon Leadership Team – April

These are my early part of the year focuses. And my main ONE focus is publishing my first book, the later part of the year I have penciled in Book Launch, with many small stars holding it in place on my 2015 calendar (and much of my commitment number one, has that as my main action steps)

Second thoughts, I am going over it in pen right now to bold it and lock it in!